Girls Born In The 90s

The Weeknd

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I make it look so easy
Girl it’s so easy, atât de ușor, atât de ușor
Fă ce fac eu, e ușor
Fata e atât de ușor, atât de ușor, atât de ușor
Nu încerc să vorbesc deloc
Pentru că eu? M tryna’ love you crazy
I’m tryna’ love you crazy
Pune mai mult în paharul tău
Bebe până îți amorțește durerea
I got them touching on their bodies
These girls keep touching on their body
They got accustomed to the life we live
These girls born in, anii ’90’ sunt periculoși
Le-am făcut să creadă că mă doresc
Deși știu că nu sunt singurele
Le-am făcut să vrea să-și îmbrățișeze păcatele
Aceste fete născute în, the 90s’ are dangerous
I give it up so easy
Girl I’m too easy, too easy, too easy
I’ma fall in love until they leave me
Cause they gon’ leave me, gon’ leave me, gon’ leave me
I’m not trying to talk at all
Cause I? M tryna’ love you crazy
I’m tryna’ love you crazy
Put some more inside your cup
Drink ‘till you numb the pain
I got them touching on their bodies
These girls keep touching on their body
They got accustomed to the life we live
These girls born in, anii ’90’ sunt periculoși
Le-am făcut să creadă că mă doresc
Deși știu că nu sunt singurele
Le-am făcut să vrea să-și îmbrățișeze păcatele
Aceste fete născute în, the 90s’ are dangerous
I’m not trying to talk at all
Cause I’m tryna’ love you crazy
I’m tryna’ love you crazy
Put some more inside your cup
Drink ‘till you numb the pain
I got them touching on their bodies
These girls keep touching on their body
They got accounted to the life we live
These girls born in, the 90s’ are dangerous
I got ‘em thinking that they want me
Although they know they’re not the only
I got them wanting to embrace their sins
These girls born in, the 90s’ are dangerous

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